My Work (A list of it)

Before you check out my work, just remember that it's mostly in python and if you're
curious, the IDE that I use is Thonny*.
*You can get thonny here.

Now, let's see my WORKKKKKKKKK!

1. My First Python Program

The first python program that I made is called, ironically, "Cool AI Code". What.

Yes. It really is called "Cool AI Code". It had NOTHING to do with AI. It's just a program with variables.
Here, let me show you a screenshot from Thonny.

Why didnt I just do \n\n instead of print(" ") on two lines? idk. I knew nothing back then.
This is all I knew about python. Variables. Functions. Print function. Input function. Int(Input()) combination.
Though I didn't know how to use the int function normally. All I knew is it converted the input into a number. Cool. VERY cool. (sarcasm)

To get a complete list of my projects click here.

2. My Sense of Style and Taste for Web Development

As you can see from this website here that I developed myself,
I know how to create websites...
Liked that clever joke? Well, I thought you would.
Anyway, I wanna show you one of my best projects.
Click here to download it.
I don't wanna spoil it. Just go to the download page and see for yourself.

Thats all for now. I'll improve this page later! Click here to go back to home page