My Work (A list of it)
Before you check out my work, just remember that it's mostly in python and if you're
curious, the IDE that I use is Thonny*.
*You can get thonny here.
Now, let's see my WORKKKKKKKKK!
1. My First Python Program
The first python program that I made is called, ironically, "Cool AI Code". What.
Yes. It really is called "Cool AI Code". It had NOTHING to do with AI. It's just a program with variables.
Here, let me show you a screenshot from Thonny.
Why didnt I just do \n\n instead of print(" ") on two lines? idk. I knew nothing back then.
This is all I knew about python. Variables. Functions. Print function. Input function. Int(Input()) combination.
Though I didn't know how to use the int function normally. All I knew is it converted the input into a number. Cool. VERY cool. (sarcasm)
To get a complete list of my projects click here.
2. My Sense of Style and Taste for Web Development
As you can see from this website here that I developed myself,
I know how to create websites...
Liked that clever joke? Well, I thought you would.
Anyway, I wanna show you one of my best projects.
Click here to download it.
I don't wanna spoil it. Just go to the download page and see for yourself.
Thats all for now. I'll improve this page later! Click here to go back to home page
Copyright RishB 2023
All Rights Reserved